HOW TO MEASURE VISCOSITY of HEC with heat and spinning.
- Finding moisture value of the sample powder
- Prepare sample to prep for solution making
- By calculating from
- Weight of the sample used(gram)= ((100+%moisture)*3) / 100
- Measure and add DI water at 297g into a beaker (size 600ml) not yet add the sampling powder
- Bring the beaker from no.3. on to Hot Plate stirrer of Magnetic Stirrer machine and stir until DI water reach 65 degree celcius (not yet add the powder)
- Adding the powder of no.2 , remain temp. at 65degree and stir 20minutes
- Take the beaker out of the Hot plate and keep stirring cold (not on hot plate) for another 40minutes (stir on the stirrer)
- Adjust total weight to have 300gram by adding DI water then stir for another 10 minutes
- Pour the solution into the beaker size 250 ml leave the beaker at 25degree celcius for 1 hour
- Do the viscosity test with Brookfield RVT machine, needle no. 4, speed20rpm for 2 mins
- Leave the solution 1 more hour then test again (second time test)
- Leave the solution 1 more hour then test again (third time test at 3rd hour)
- Report the final result at the 3rd hour test.
- By calculating from
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